Saturday, February 13, 2010

UNIX find 명령

요약 :
The idea behind find is extremely simple: this is a utility for searching files using the directory information and in this sense it is similar to ls. But it is more powerful then ls as it can provide " a ride" for other utilities... (Unix Find Command Tutorial (Dr. Nikolai Bezroukov) 여기서 발췌)

설명 :
Unix Find Command Tutorial (Dr. Nikolai Bezroukov) -> 매우 잘 설명된 튜토리얼
A Unix/Linux “find” Command Tutorial
Some examples of using Unix find command
find - 위키피디아에 나온 설명 (좀 어렵게 설명)

Find를 이용해 space있는 파일명 다루는 법:
Handling Filenames With Spaces

find . -name '*.smi' | while read filename
ls -ld "$filename"

-name 옵션을 여러개 쓰는 법
multiple -name in find : -name 옵션을 여러개 쓰는 법, -prune 쓰는 법 나와 있음

-name 에서 여러개 지정해주려면
find . -name ".smi" -o -name ".srt"
하면 됨

1 comment:

  1. hey check out this University of Nigeria website,
