Saturday, June 29, 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

mountain lion hanging when wake from sleep

mountain lion hanging when wake from sleep

Mountain Lion won't wake up after an extended sleep
The current workarounds are:
Disable hibernate mode.
Disable standby mode.

Mountain Lion can’t Wake Up from Slumber

Troubleshooting system sleep in OS X
1. Disconnect or disable peripherals
2. Reset the power manager
3. Remove the sleep image file
$ sudo rm /private/var/vm/sleepimage

Monday, June 10, 2013

.DS_Store already exists

"The operation can't be completed because an item with the name .DS_Store already exists"
이런 error message 가 뜨면서 외장하드에 카피가 안될 경우 임시 해결법

cp -r 소스폴더 타겟폴더
명령으로 하면 잘 된다.

근본적인 것은 OS 차원에서 문제 수정이 되어야 할듯.
키워드 : copy
출처 :

OS X Finder 에서 hidden file 표시하기

터미널에서 다음을 실행하고
$ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
Finder 를 Relaunch 함
출처 : Show hidden files Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and 10.8 Mountain Lion

Friday, June 7, 2013

OS X 에서 외장하드가 eject 안될때 해결법

The volume cannot be ejected because it is currently in use 메시지가 뜰때 해결법
Option + Command + Esc 해서 Finder 를 Relaunch 한다
출처 : The volume cannot be ejected because it is currently in use
키워드 : 파인더, 추출, external hard drive